Ah, bondage. What is a good slash fanfiction without bondage?
Another short chapter, but thankfully nowhere near as short as the last one. The Doctor and the Master needed a moment. They've been at each other's throats for several chapters, so it's a good reminder that not all is what it seems, even if it is a little twisted.
Personally, I think that the Master has a thing about degrading the Doctor to make himself feel more superior - for example in The End of Time when he's strapped him into that chair, and turning him into an old man in The Sound of Drums. I'm also pretty sure there's a lot of internal conflict on the Master's part about just what the Doctor means to him - is he an equal or just someone else to mess with? A lot of the Master's madness is self-destructive and conflicting, hence the mood swings: Part of him knows he's in the fast lane to hell, but the other half of him embraces it. It's only when the Doctor is added to the mix that he starts to question what he's doing, which is why he's always trying to keep him quiet.
Anyway. Yes. Updates.
Updates - as you've probably guessed by now - are sporadic and random. I can't guarantee when the next chapter will be up. It all depends on when I have free time (or the obsession to write this drives out everything else).
Please do leave a review when you read. I hate to admit it, but my fanfiction tends to... lose its fire if people don't let me know what they think. I know I say it all the time, but: they really do help. It's nice to hear from people who are reading, it means I'm not alone.
See you next chapter!
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